Covid-19 Cleaning with Kempston

The worldwide Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has people scrambling to protect themselves, their homes and businesses from potential contamination. The infectious nature of this virus with no vaccine available yet, has led to the rapid spread of the disease and a growing number of fatalities worldwide.

Coronavirus has quickly gained a reputation for being particularly insidious. BREAKING NEWS! Covid -19 is confirmed as airborne in certain circumstances and can remain 8 hrs in the air! It can survive on surfaces for over 72 hours and people infected by the virus don’t show symptoms until approximately 14 days after infection, making it difficult to track and contain. This is why having a trusted professional Covid-19 cleaning and biohazard remediation company on your side is so important.


Covid-19 Cleaning Services in South Africa

Hazgiene, a specialised cleaning company of the Kempston Group adheres to all OSHA regulations, is certified by the SAIOSH (South African Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) and strictly follows the most state-of-the-art procedures when it comes to Covid-19 cleaning and decontamination cleaning services. They also subscribe to the Department of Health and the National Institute of Communicable Diseases, best practice.

Coronavirus (Covid-19) is still Novel, so we continually consult with the centre of disease control & prevention (CDC) for up to date solutions and utilise CDC and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) approved disinfectants.

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    Covid-19 Cleaning & Preventative Treatment

    This disinfection cleaning service entails periodic advanced: spray tech pressure misting, ULV cold misting & or Thermal fogging dependent on surfaces and environments to be treated. Hazgiene disinfects premises, vehicles, equipment and even personal protective clothing. As part of our Covid-19 cleaning process, we make use of approved anti-microbial chemicals that target the SARS-CoV -2 virus. The frequency of such treatments would depend on the risk associated with the volumes and movement of people and goods that may pose a threat of infection to the health of humans in a specific area. Random on-site ATP testing is carried out to confirm disinfection levels.


    Covid-19 Remediation Treatment

    This remediation cleaning service entails the decontamination of an established contaminated premises, vehicle or equipment. These are areas of what we call positive contamination zones. The risk of infection is extremely probable. We follow our Biohazard removal & remediation 3 step process. This involves intensive deep surface decontamination protocols along with Covid-19 cleaning methods as used in our preventative treatments. Surfaces in the zone are ATP tested to confirm disinfection levels.


    How do we disinfect Corona Virus?

    We use CDC and EPA approved industrial-strength disinfectants with a broad spectrum kill claim.

    With our bio-hazard cleaning, all infected materials are cleaned, disinfected, and properly disposed of as we do with biohazard waste. Fully encapsulated personal protective equipment (PPE) and full-face respirator masks are worn at all times by our certified clean up technicians.

    We adhere to stringent coronavirus demobilisation process for our equipment, vehicles and waste storage area. Disease outbreak is an extremely serious situation and we understand that health and safety of you, your family and employees are on the line. Don’t take any chances, call the professionals.


      Covid-19 Cleaning & Disinfection Services

      When selecting a company to provide Coronavirus Disinfection Services, it is imperative that you select a company like Hazgiene, that is OSHA compliant and follows the CDC guidance regarding Coronavirus.

      The Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 places an express obligation on the employer to maintain a working environment that is safe and healthy. On the issue of a healthy working environment, the employer must ensure that the workplace is free from any risk to the health of its employees as far as it is reasonably practicable.

      Within the context of Covid-19, there is a clear obligation on the employer to manage the risk of contamination in the workplace.

      Practically, the employer can ensure a healthy working environment by ensuring that the workplace is clean and hygienic, promoting regular handwashing by employees, promoting good respiratory hygiene by employees and keeping employees informed on developments related to Coronavirus as well as regular Office Disinfection.

      Hazgiene has designed a 3-step remediation process and developed a line of cleaning agents to protect the health and safety of our customers and their property. Hazgiene delivers the highest standard in biohazard handling, disposal and disinfection. We make sure our customers have peace of mind in their work environment during this high stress Coronavirus outbreak.

      Contact us if you’re interested in Covid-19 cleaning services for your commercial property.


        Covid-19 cleaning for schools

        Covid-19 cleaning for schools has become an essential part of the routine for all involved in educating children. The cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces should be done daily or between use by different students. It is preferable to limit the use of shared items where possible and disinfect each item between each use.

        Your Covid-19 cleaning schedule for school should include:

        • In the morning before students arrive
        • Between classes (if students change rooms)
        • Before and after lunch breaks
        • After students leave for the day

        Keep in mind that cleaning and disinfection products should be kept out of reach from children. Cleaning and disinfection products should not be used
        by or near students, and staff should ensure that there is adequate ventilation when using these products to prevent anyone from inhaling toxic fumes.

        Covid-19 cleaning for businesses 

        The cleaning and disinfection schedule for businesses should be adapted if the workplace operates in shifts and if any equipment is shared.

        Procedure after a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 at the workplace

        1. Close off the area and direct work to another clean facility or direct staff to work from home where possible.
        2. Increase air circulation (open doors/windows/air-con with outside air intake).
        3. Person cleaning should wear personal protective equipment (PPE): mask, disposable or utility gloves, dedicated overall, and closed shoes.
        4. Clean and disinfect all communal areas and equipment.
        5. Covid-19 cleaning equipment must be separated from regular cleaning equipment.
        6. Closure period: Disinfectant vapors have disappeared and all surfaces air-dried. Thereafter, continue everyday cleaning and disinfection practices.

        Covid-19 tips for your home 

        Before you can effectively tackle Covid-19 cleaning in your home, it’s important to note the difference between cleaning and disinfecting. Cleaning entails using soap and water to remove dirt and certain germs from surfaces. Disinfecting involves eliminating a wider range of germs from surfaces.

        Cleaning has and will always be part of your daily and weekly routine at home but during this time, disinfecting should play a key role. High-touch surfaces such as countertops, door handles, phones, and keyboards should be at the top of your list to disinfect. Every time you leave your house, upon your return you should disinfect items you bring back with you.

        This includes your shopping but also your car keys, phone, and wallet. Always make the assumption that everything you bring into the house is contaminated.

        Once you get into the swing of things, these hygiene protocols will easily become a habit and you will prevent the spread of Covid-19.

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