Cleanliness goes a long way when you’re in charge of a commercial kitchen or a restaurant. As a result, while the function of your business equipment is critical to your employees’ productivity, their health and safety also depend on how clean it is. Your oven, which is the heart of every commercial kitchen, must be kept clean at all times.

It’s natural that ovens would accumulate food particles, grease, and other garbage because they are used so regularly. In addition to making food taste terrible and decreasing performance, this buildup could also increase the risk of fire and safety problems. If you don’t clean and maintain your industrial oven correctly, you run the risk of incurring high heating costs.

The only way to avoid these issues is to follow a strict code of hygiene, develop cleaning procedures for your kitchen and restaurant equipment, and educate your staff on how to properly sanitize these items. Set up daily, weekly, and monthly commercial kitchen cleaning schedules with your management team.

We compiled a few pointers for those who want to save money and keep all but a regularly scheduled deep clean inhouse. 

Clean Your Kitchen Every Day!

It may seem like a simple way to save time and get home earlier from a busy commercial kitchen by delaying daily cleanings, but this practice can lead to more serious issues in the long term. It can take a long time for someone to notice and clean up crumbs and other leftovers that fall into the oven during a meal. Think about what might happen if they stayed for an extended period of time there. Even a quick wipe down at the end of the day with a non-abrasive pad and cleanser may readily remove any stain or residue if done early enough. The metal will rust if the filth is left in there for an extended period of time, and the germs will flourish.

Clean the inside of your industrial oven every day, no matter what. Make sure that cleaning is done at the end of the day so that the doors can be kept open all night to dry.

Even though cleaning a commercial oven isn’t something anyone looks forward to doing, doing it on a regular basis makes the job much easier. Consult your oven’s owner’s manual to determine the best cleaning method. Opening windows, turning on the exhaust fan, laying a cloth on the floor below, and/or removing shelves for separate cleaning could all be suggested in the user handbook.

Abrasive Cleaners and Harsh Scrubbers should be avoided

These solutions may appear to be the greatest option for removing difficult baked-on stains, but they can also leave a bluish/hazy cast on your beautiful metal parts as well as create surface pits and scratches. Alkaline and corrosive solutions, such as sodium hydroxide, should be avoided (such as borate and ammonia). Micro-pits and blemishes can harbor bacteria and possibly lead to corrosion.

Stainless steel parts can be damaged by employing rough scrubbers, such as steel wool, scourers, wire brushes, or any other sort of metal scraper. Always use a cloth or any non-abrasive cleaner to remove any carbonized residue from the metal. Because they are constructed of non-flammable fibers, microfiber cloths are the best choice for cleaning commercial ovens.

 When cleaning your oven, be sure to refer to the manufacturer’s instructions, as each oven is unique and may have its own set of cleaning recommendations.

Clean Your Ovens Daily!

The easiest approach to keep your industrial oven clean is to keep an eye out for it every single day. Leaving crumbs in your food for an extended period of time will ruin the flavor, but it’s impossible to prevent them from building up. Even though they appear to be harmless, crumbs are capable of igniting smoke and setting off flames.

A grease or crumb tray, the pan that can be removed from the bottom of your stove, should be cleaned on a regular basis. Remove the baking sheet from the oven once it has cooled down completely and toss any remaining crumbs into a heat-resistant rubbish container. Avoid using alkaline, caustic, or abrasive chemicals to clean the tray. Your industrial oven’s drain screen is an important part of keeping your oven running efficiently, so make sure it’s always in place.

Clean up spills immediately 

When it comes to spills and boil-overs, you can’t afford to waste time cleaning up crumbs. Spills can’t be cleaned up with daily cleanings. Attend spills as soon as possible so that your oven can continue to function throughout the day, because delaying it until the end of the day after carbonization has occurred will make cleaning it difficult.

Schedule weekly and Monthly Cleaning

Check the gaskets (rubber door seals) once a month to ensure they’re in good shape. To clean them, use a gentle cloth dampened with soap. Keep an eye out for any signs of damage or cracks in the gasket and replace it as soon as possible. The oven will struggle to sustain heat if the gasket is faulty. Your energy bills will rise as a result of this.

A moist cloth can be used to clean the oven’s walls and door every week, or more frequently if necessary. Avoid using abrasive cleansers. You don’t need anything more than warm water to get your oven clean if it’s been well-cared for. Every day, be sure to wipe the doors.

Deep clean your industrial oven’s cast iron grates at least once a year, even if you’re wiping them down every day. You need to re-season it immediately if you find it flaking or rusting. To remove the outer layer, just boil or scrape it and then coat it with cooking oil. It’s also possible to turn all of your burners to a low temperature for a few hours and then wipe them clean. This will give you a long-lasting, firm, non-stick surface.

Every two weeks, check the exhaust fan, fan motor, or blower for grease buildup. Because of the buildup of garbage and crumbs, your oven will not perform at its full capacity. Not only that, but your kitchen’s ventilation could be affected as well. De-grease your oven according to the recommendations in your oven’s handbook, and replace it immediately if there is any damage.

If you follow the tips above, you will get many years of use out of your commercial oven and avoid embarrassing food flops due to poor hygiene. Professional cleaning services for your commercial kitchen appliances are available at Kempston Cleaning.

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